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  • WPML AI Translation with OpenAI GPT4 AI, WordPress

    November 9, 2023
    Working on something pretty nice. When you use WPML you can translate your content manually or automatically. But when you want to do auto you have to pay to the WPML for translation credits. Because they are using Azure and…
  • JavaScript Graph Node Based UI, GUI and Libraries

    November 5, 2023
    Renderers Layouting Graph Utilities Misc
  • My Favorite Block Plugins October 2023

    October 25, 2023
    I tested the most popular block plugins and new trending popular block plugins. This time I wanted to share. Because it feels like these plugins becoming crazy good. Yes yes, millions of people using them already of course they must…
  • ThreeJS Character Thirdperson Game

    October 17, 2023
    Spline recently added animations. It already had game controls and character system but now with animations we can make the walk run jump idle states with much better control. Made a simple game in an island. You can run around…
  • Best WordPress Builders, Do You Want to Leave Webflow for WordPress?

    October 8, 2023
    Here are some of my recommendations. First of all WordPress itself will solve most of the static and dynamic building features compared to Webflow. That's a big plus. Even without plugins with just one proper good block theme, you can…
  • Best WordPress AI Plugin (?)

    September 28, 2023
    Yep, I found lots of AI plugins last couple of months I think this is the best one so far. AI Engine. It is amazing AI plugin. You can create your chatbot generator, fine-tune your model with your data.…
  • Mastering the Art of YouTube Content Creation

    September 18, 2023
    This is not just for YouTube all of these methods are applicable to any other content creation platforms as well. 😊 It doesn't mean you have to do all of this list even if you can successfully make 50% of…
  • My SEO Notes for ■■■■■■ Project

    September 9, 2023
    Yes cant write the name but I can share my tips and tricks about it. This was actually personal notes but I decided to share it. Because why not. Basics Project required to have Elementor because fast development content focusing.…
  • What is Basic SEO Strategy

    September 9, 2023
    Okay, let's cut through the fluff. If you've spent more than five minutes online, you've probably heard of SEO. Some people treat it like it's some magical incantation, but it’s not. It’s quite straightforward, really.
  • Spline, No Code ThreeJS Editor, WordPress ThreeJS

    September 7, 2023
    No Code editors are on the rise. Specialy advanced editors for web development and scene development. Spline is one of them. Probably one of my favorites. It has really nice web based GUI and you can create your own 3D…