native realtime search result snippet.
it can search the title and/or address.
it works with static array but can be hooked other sources easily.
<input type="text" id="searchInput" placeholder="Search..."> <ul id="searchResults"></ul> <script> // Sample data array to simulate search results const data = [ { name: "Lorem Ipsum 1", link: "", address: "123 Lorem St, Ipsum City" }, { name: "Lorem Ipsum 2", link: "", address: "456 Ipsum Ave, Loremville" }, { name: "Lorem Ipsum 3", link: "", address: "789 Dolor Rd, Sit Amet Town" }, { name: "Lorem Ipsum 4", link: "", address: "101 Lorem Ipsum Blvd, Consectetur City" }, { name: "Lorem Ipsum 5", link: "", address: "555 Amet St, Dolorville" }, { name: "Lorem Ipsum 6", link: "", address: "777 Ipsum Rd, Lorem Ipsumville" }, { name: "Lorem Ipsum 7", link: "", address: "999 Sit Amet Blvd, Dolor City" }, { name: "Lorem Ipsum 8", link: "", address: "888 Consectetur St, Ametville" }, { name: "Lorem Ipsum 9", link: "", address: "222 Dolor Ave, Lorem Town" }, { name: "Lorem Ipsum 10", link: "", address: "444 Ipsum Rd, Sit City" } ]; const searchInput = document.getElementById("searchInput"); const searchResults = document.getElementById("searchResults"); // Function to update the search results function updateResults() { const query = searchInput.value.toLowerCase(); const queryWords = query.split(" ").filter(word => word.trim() !== ""); const matchingResults = data.filter(item => { return queryWords.every(word => || item.address.toLowerCase().includes(word) ); }).slice(-5); // Clear previous results searchResults.innerHTML = ""; // Display new results for (const result of matchingResults) { const li = document.createElement("li"); const link = document.createElement("a"); link.href =; link.textContent =; // Add address information as a span element const addressSpan = document.createElement("span"); addressSpan.textContent = result.address; li.appendChild(link); li.appendChild(addressSpan); searchResults.appendChild(li); } } // Function to show the latest 10 results when the input field is clicked function showLatestResults() { // Call the updateResults function without any input value updateResults(); } // Add event listeners to the search input for input, blur, and click events searchInput.addEventListener("input", updateResults); searchInput.addEventListener("blur", () => { // Check if the input field is empty before removing the results if (searchInput.value.trim() === '') { searchResults.innerHTML = ""; } }); searchInput.addEventListener("click", showLatestResults); // Add an event listener to the search results list to prevent the input from losing focus searchResults.addEventListener("mousedown", (event) => { // Prevent the default blur behavior when clicking on the search results list event.preventDefault(); }); </script>