Wrapping All Bricks Builder Site with Custom Class / ID Divs

if you dont have fixed menu use this

 * Adds opening divs right after the body tag
function add_custom_opening_divs() {
    echo '<div id="smooth-wrapper"><div id="smooth-content">';
add_action('bricks_before_site_wrapper', 'add_custom_opening_divs');

 * Adds closing divs right before the closing site wrapper.
function add_custom_closing_divs() {
    echo '</div></div>';
add_action('bricks_after_site_wrapper', 'add_custom_closing_divs');

if you have a fixed header/menu this code would be better. wrapping starts after the header/menu

function add_custom_opening_divs() {
    echo '<div id="smooth-wrapper"><div id="smooth-content">';
add_action('bricks_after_header', 'add_custom_opening_divs');

function add_custom_closing_divs() {
    echo '</div></div>';
add_action('bricks_after_site_wrapper', 'add_custom_closing_divs');

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