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Unreal Engine Editor Shortcuts

Unreal Engine shortcuts focusing on two primary areas: the Editor and Blueprint Editor Nodes

Editor Shortcuts

  1. General Navigation
    • Q, W, E, R: Select, Move, Rotate, Scale tools
    • F: Focus on selected object
    • G: Toggle game view
    • Ctrl + P: Play in editor
    • Shift + F1: Release mouse from game view
    • Space: Toggle between move, rotate, and scale
    • Alt + Left Mouse Drag: Duplicate objects
    • Ctrl + Z: Undo
    • Ctrl + Y: Redo
  2. Viewport Navigation
    • WASD: Move camera
    • Right Mouse + WASD: Fly mode
    • Mouse Wheel: Zoom in/out
    • L: Set light source direction
    • F11: Fullscreen mode
    • Alt + Right Mouse Drag: Orbit camera
    • Shift + 1/2/3/4: Perspective/Top/Front/Side view
  3. Asset Management
    • Ctrl + B: Find asset in content browser
    • Ctrl + Shift + S: Save all
    • Ctrl + O: Open asset
    • Ctrl + S: Save current asset
    • Ctrl + N: New asset
  4. Level Editing
    • Ctrl + L: Lock selection
    • Shift + C: Snap to floor
    • Ctrl + Alt + Left Click: Select actor under cursor
    • Ctrl + Shift + F: Align with view
    • End: Snap to floor
  5. Matinee
    • Alt + S: Set keyframe
    • Ctrl + Alt + K: Add keyframe
    • Shift + Space: Play/Pause matinee
  6. Blueprint Editor
    • Q: Quick jump to selected node
    • Ctrl + Drag: Create a copy of a node
    • C: Comment box
    • Alt + Click: Break link
    • B: Spawn blueprint node
    • T: Add event
    • Shift + Click: Add to selection
    • Ctrl + Click: Remove from selection
    • Delete: Delete selected node
  7. Miscellaneous
    • Ctrl + R: Compile
    • Ctrl + Space: Quick search
    • Shift + B: Build
    • Ctrl + Alt + U: Project settings
    • Ctrl + Shift + B: Build all

Blueprint Nodes Shortcuts

  1. Node Creation
    • V: Vector nodes
    • F: Float nodes
    • B: Boolean nodes
    • I: Integer nodes
    • A: Array nodes
    • L: Logic nodes (AND, OR)
    • M: Math nodes
    • S: String nodes
  2. Node Operations
    • Ctrl + W: Duplicate nodes
    • Alt + Left Mouse Drag: Duplicate nodes
    • Ctrl + Alt + Left Click: Select node
    • Ctrl + Alt + Right Click: Deselect node
    • Shift + Alt + Left Click: Select multiple nodes
    • Ctrl + Left Mouse Drag: Box select
    • Ctrl + +/-: Zoom in/out
    • Ctrl + D: Disconnect pins
  3. Debugging
    • F9: Toggle breakpoint
    • F10: Step over
    • F11: Step into
    • Shift + F11: Step out
    • Ctrl + Shift + F9: Clear all breakpoints
    • Ctrl + Shift + F10: Disable all breakpoints
  4. Graph Navigation
    • Home: Focus on selected nodes
    • Ctrl + Mouse Wheel: Zoom in/out
    • Middle Mouse Drag: Pan graph
    • Ctrl + Shift + F: Frame selection
    • Ctrl + G: Jump to graph
  5. Commenting
    • C: Create a comment box
    • Ctrl + Shift + C: Comment selected nodes
    • Ctrl + Enter: Edit comment
  6. Miscellaneous
    • Ctrl + B: Jump to definition
    • Ctrl + Shift + O: Open function definition
    • Shift + Delete: Delete with connections
    • Ctrl + T: Toggle pin type
    • Ctrl + Shift + E: Expand all nodes
    • Ctrl + Shift + C: Collapse all nodes

Material Node Editor Shortcuts

  1. General Navigation
    • Ctrl + LMB Drag: Create a lasso selection around nodes.
    • Ctrl + A: Select all nodes.
    • Ctrl + D: Duplicate selected nodes or connections.
    • Delete: Delete selected nodes or connections.
    • Ctrl + C, Ctrl + V: Copy and paste nodes.
    • Ctrl + Z: Undo last action.
    • Ctrl + Y: Redo last undone action.
    • F: Frame selected nodes.
    • Home: Frame all nodes.
  2. Node Manipulation
    • Alt + LMB Click: Break node connections.
    • Ctrl + W: Duplicate nodes with connections.
    • Shift + Click: Add nodes to selection.
    • Ctrl + Click: Toggle nodes from selection.
    • RMB on Pin: Create a node connected to that pin.
  3. View and Zoom
    • Mouse Wheel Up/Down: Zoom in/out.
    • Middle Mouse Drag: Pan view.
    • Ctrl + Middle Mouse Drag: Zoom in/out (alternative).
    • H: Hide selected nodes.
    • U: Unhide all nodes.
  4. Node Search and Quick Add
    • T: Add a Texture Sample node.
    • M: Add a Material Function node.
    • C: Add a Comment.
    • S: Add a Scalar Parameter.
    • V: Add a Vector Parameter.
    • L: Add a Lerp node.
    • B: Add a Blend node.
    • G: Add a Group node (for organization).
  5. Preview and Compilation
    • Ctrl + P: Toggle preview of selected node.
    • Ctrl + U: Update material preview.
    • Ctrl + S: Save the material.
    • Ctrl + B: Force refresh material.
  6. Commenting and Documentation
    • Ctrl + E: Edit selected comment or group.
    • Ctrl + Shift + C: Comment selected nodes.
    • Ctrl + Enter: Edit node comments.
  7. Graph Navigation
    • Space + Drag: Navigating around the graph.
    • Ctrl + G: Jump to Graph (if applicable).
    • Ctrl + Shift + F: Frame selected in graph.

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