Text Element, Bricks Builder Custom Element Example

Simple custom text element for Bricks Builder.

This example only includes type: text control but there are tons of other controls are possible to create as custom element. Here is the full list.

save this inside your theme or plugin like your-element-name.php or change it whatever you want.


if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {

use Bricks\Frontend;

class Prefix_Element_Simple_Text_Element extends \Bricks\Element {
	public $category  = 'snn';
	public $name      = 'simple-text-element';
	public $icon      = 'ti-text';
	public $scripts   = [];
	public $nestable  = false;

	public function get_label() {
		return esc_html__( 'Simple text element', 'bricks' );

	public function set_control_groups() {
		// No control groups needed.

	public function set_controls() {
		// Only Content Control: Text Content
		$this->controls['text_content'] = [
			'tab'         => 'content',
			'label'       => esc_html__( 'Simple text element', 'bricks' ),
			'type'        => 'text',
			'placeholder' => esc_html__( 'Enter your text content here', 'bricks' ),
			'default'     => '',

	public function render() {
		$root_classes = [ 'simple-text-element' ];
		$this->set_attribute( '_root', 'class', $root_classes );

		$text_content = isset( $this->settings['text_content'] ) ? $this->settings['text_content'] : '';

		echo '<div ' . $this->render_attributes( '_root' ) . '>';
		echo $text_content;
		echo Frontend::render_children( $this );
		echo '</div>';

	 * Render builder method - used within the Bricks builder interface.
	public static function render_builder() {
		<script type="text/x-template" id="tmpl-bricks-element-simple-text-element">
			<component :is="tag">
				<div v-if="element.settings.text_content" class="simple-text-element">
					{{ element.settings.text_content }}
				<bricks-element-children :element="element"/>

and ofcourse you need to register this element as well

add_action('init', function () {
    $yourelement = get_stylesheet_directory() . '/custom_elements/your-element-name.php';
    if (file_exists($yourelement)) {
        require_once $yourelement;

}, 11);