Simple Chess, EASY, Native JS No-Lib

See the Pen simple but hard chess 😀 by sinanisler (@sinanisler) on CodePen.

   #game *{
  #game {
    width: 480px;
    height: 480px;
    margin: 20px auto;
    display: flex;
    flex-wrap: wrap;

  .square {
    width: 60px;
    height: 60px;
    box-sizing: border-box;
    position: relative;

  .square.light {
    background-color: #f0d9b5;

  .square.dark {
    background-color: #b58863;

  .piece {
    font-size: 50px;
    text-align: center;
    line-height: 60px;
    cursor: pointer;

  .piece.selected {
    background-color: rgba(255, 255, 0, 0.5);

  /* Added CSS for the message div */
  #message {
    width: 480px;
    margin: 10px auto;
    text-align: center;
    color: red;
    font-weight: bold;
    min-height: 20px;

<div id="game">
  <!-- Chessboard will be generated here -->
<!-- Added message div -->
<div id="message"></div>

  const game = document.getElementById('game');

  let board = [
    ["bR", "bN", "bB", "bQ", "bK", "bB", "bN", "bR"],
    ["bP", "bP", "bP", "bP", "bP", "bP", "bP", "bP"],
    ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""],
    ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""],
    ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""],
    ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""],
    ["wP", "wP", "wP", "wP", "wP", "wP", "wP", "wP"],
    ["wR", "wN", "wB", "wQ", "wK", "wB", "wN", "wR"]

  const pieces = {
    'wK': '♔',
    'wQ': '♕',
    'wR': '♖',
    'wB': '♗',
    'wN': '♘',
    'wP': '♙',
    'bK': '♚',
    'bQ': '♛',
    'bR': '♜',
    'bB': '♝',
    'bN': '♞',
    'bP': '♟'

  // Assigned values to each piece type
  const pieceValues = {
    'P': 1,
    'N': 3,
    'B': 3,
    'R': 5,
    'Q': 9,
    'K': 1000

  let selectedPiece = null;
  let turn = 'w'; // 'w' for white's turn, 'b' for black's turn

  // Set AI color to black
  let aiColor = 'b';
  let opponentColor = aiColor === 'w' ? 'b' : 'w';

  // Keep track of whether the game is over
  let gameOver = false;

  // Keep track of whether kings and rooks have moved (for castling)
  let kingMoved = { 'w': false, 'b': false };
  let rookMoved = {
    'w0': false, // white rook on a1
    'w1': false, // white rook on h1
    'b0': false, // black rook on a8
    'b1': false  // black rook on h8

  // Keep track of en passant target square
  let enPassantSquare = null;

  // Draw the board
  function drawBoard() {
    game.innerHTML = '';
    for (let row = 0; row < 8; row++) {
      for (let col = 0; col < 8; col++) {
        const square = document.createElement('div');
        if ((row + col) % 2 == 0) {
        } else {
        square.dataset.row = row;
        square.dataset.col = col;
        const piece = board[row][col];
        if (piece) {
          const pieceEl = document.createElement('div');
          pieceEl.textContent = pieces[piece];
          pieceEl.dataset.piece = piece;
          pieceEl.dataset.row = row;
          pieceEl.dataset.col = col;


  game.addEventListener('click', function (e) {
    if (gameOver) {
      return; // Do nothing if the game is over
    const target =;
    if (turn === aiColor) {
      return; // It's AI's turn
    if (target.classList.contains('piece')) {
      const piece = target.dataset.piece;
      const color = piece[0];
      if (selectedPiece) {
        if (color === turn && color !== aiColor) {
          // Change selection to the new piece
          // Clear any messages
          document.getElementById('message').innerText = '';
        } else {
          // Try to move to this square (could be a capture)
      } else {
        // Select the piece if it's the player's own piece
        if (color === turn && color !== aiColor) {
          // Clear any messages
          document.getElementById('message').innerText = '';
    } else if (target.classList.contains('square')) {

  function selectPiece(pieceEl) {
    const piece = pieceEl.dataset.piece;
    const color = piece[0];
    if (color !== turn || color === aiColor) {
      return; // Not this player's turn or AI's piece
    if (selectedPiece) {
      // Deselect previous piece
    selectedPiece = pieceEl;

  function movePiece(targetEl) {
    if (gameOver) {
      return; // Do nothing if the game is over
    if (!selectedPiece) {
    let toRow, toCol;
    if (targetEl.classList.contains('square')) {
      toRow = parseInt(targetEl.dataset.row);
      toCol = parseInt(targetEl.dataset.col);
    } else if (targetEl.classList.contains('piece')) {
      toRow = parseInt(targetEl.dataset.row);
      toCol = parseInt(targetEl.dataset.col);
    } else {

    const fromRow = parseInt(selectedPiece.dataset.row);
    const fromCol = parseInt(selectedPiece.dataset.col);

    // Implement move validation here
    const piece = selectedPiece.dataset.piece;
    let castling = false;
    let enPassantCapture = false;
    const valid = isValidMove(piece, fromRow, fromCol, toRow, toCol, castling, enPassantCapture);

    if (valid) {
      // Move the piece
      board[toRow][toCol] = piece;
      board[fromRow][fromCol] = "";

      const pieceType = piece[1];
      const color = piece[0];
      const dir = color === 'w' ? -1 : 1;

      // Handle en passant capture
      if (enPassantCapture) {
        board[fromRow][toCol] = ""; // Remove the captured pawn

      // Handle castling move
      if (castling) {
        // Move the rook accordingly
        let rookFromCol = toCol > fromCol ? 7 : 0;
        let rookToCol = toCol > fromCol ? 5 : 3;
        let rookPiece = board[fromRow][rookFromCol];
        board[fromRow][rookToCol] = rookPiece;
        board[fromRow][rookFromCol] = "";

        // Update rookMoved
        rookMoved[color + (rookFromCol === 0 ? '0' : '1')] = true;

      // Update moved flags
      if (pieceType === 'K') {
        kingMoved[color] = true;
      if (pieceType === 'R') {
        let rookId = (fromCol === 0) ? '0' : (fromCol === 7) ? '1' : null;
        if (rookId !== null) {
          rookMoved[color + rookId] = true;

      // Check for pawn promotion
      if (piece[1] === 'P' && (toRow === 0 || toRow === 7)) {
        // Promote pawn to queen
        board[toRow][toCol] = piece[0] + 'Q';

      // Handle en passant target square
      if (pieceType === 'P' && Math.abs(toRow - fromRow) === 2) {
        enPassantSquare = {
          row: fromRow + dir,
          col: fromCol,
          color: color
      } else {
        enPassantSquare = null;

      selectedPiece = null;

      // Clear any messages
      document.getElementById('message').innerText = '';

      // Switch turn
      turn = turn === 'w' ? 'b' : 'w';

      // Check for checkmate or stalemate
      if (isGameOver()) {
        let message = isKingInCheck(turn) ? 'Checkmate! ' : 'Stalemate! ';
        message += turn === aiColor ? 'You win!' : 'You lost!';
        document.getElementById('message').innerText = message;
        gameOver = true;
      } else {
        // Check if it's AI's turn
        if (turn === aiColor) {
          setTimeout(makeAIMove, 500); // Slight delay for realism
    } else {
      // Invalid move
      document.getElementById('message').innerText = 'Invalid move';

  function isValidMove(piece, fromRow, fromCol, toRow, toCol, castling, enPassantCapture) {
    const pieceType = piece[1];
    const color = piece[0];
    const dir = color === 'w' ? -1 : 1; // Direction for pawns

    // Check if the destination square has a friendly piece
    const destinationPiece = board[toRow][toCol];
    if (destinationPiece && destinationPiece[0] === color) {
      return false;

    let valid = false;

    switch (pieceType) {
      case 'P':
        // Pawn move
        if (fromCol === toCol) {
          // Move forward
          if (board[toRow][toCol] === "") {
            if (toRow - fromRow === dir) {
              valid = true;
            // Initial double move
            else if ((color === 'w' && fromRow === 6 && toRow === 4 && board[5][fromCol] === "") ||
                     (color === 'b' && fromRow === 1 && toRow === 3 && board[2][fromCol] === "")) {
              valid = true;
        } else if (Math.abs(fromCol - toCol) === 1 && toRow - fromRow === dir) {
          // Capture
          if (board[toRow][toCol] && board[toRow][toCol][0] !== color) {
            valid = true;
          // En passant
          else if (enPassantSquare &&
                   enPassantSquare.row === toRow &&
                   enPassantSquare.col === toCol &&
                   enPassantSquare.color !== color) {
            valid = true;
            enPassantCapture = true; // Indicate en passant capture
      case 'R':
        // Rook move
        if (fromRow === toRow || fromCol === toCol) {
          if (isPathClear(fromRow, fromCol, toRow, toCol)) {
            valid = true;
      case 'N':
        // Knight move
        if ((Math.abs(fromRow - toRow) === 2 && Math.abs(fromCol - toCol) === 1) ||
            (Math.abs(fromRow - toRow) === 1 && Math.abs(fromCol - toCol) === 2)) {
          valid = true;
      case 'B':
        // Bishop move
        if (Math.abs(fromRow - toRow) === Math.abs(fromCol - toCol)) {
          if (isPathClear(fromRow, fromCol, toRow, toCol)) {
            valid = true;
      case 'Q':
        // Queen move (rook + bishop)
        if ((fromRow === toRow || fromCol === toCol ||
             Math.abs(fromRow - toRow) === Math.abs(fromCol - toCol)) &&
            isPathClear(fromRow, fromCol, toRow, toCol)) {
          valid = true;
      case 'K':
        // King move
        if (Math.abs(fromRow - toRow) <= 1 && Math.abs(fromCol - toCol) <= 1) {
          valid = true;
        // Castling
        else if (!kingMoved[color] && fromRow === toRow && Math.abs(fromCol - toCol) === 2) {
          if (canCastle(color, fromRow, fromCol, toRow, toCol)) {
            valid = true;
            castling = true; // Indicate castling move

    if (valid) {
      // Temporarily make the move
      const originalFromPiece = board[fromRow][fromCol];
      const originalToPiece = board[toRow][toCol];
      const capturedEnPassantPiece = enPassantCapture ? board[fromRow][toCol] : null;

      board[toRow][toCol] = piece;
      board[fromRow][fromCol] = "";
      if (enPassantCapture) {
        board[fromRow][toCol] = ""; // Remove the captured pawn

      // Check if own king is in check
      const inCheck = isKingInCheck(color);

      // Undo the move
      board[fromRow][fromCol] = originalFromPiece;
      board[toRow][toCol] = originalToPiece;
      if (enPassantCapture) {
        board[fromRow][toCol] = capturedEnPassantPiece;

      if (inCheck) {
        return false;
      } else {
        return true;

    return false;

  function canCastle(color, fromRow, fromCol, toRow, toCol) {
    // Determine which side the king is castling to
    let kingSide = toCol > fromCol;
    let rookCol = kingSide ? 7 : 0;
    let rookKey = color + (rookCol === 0 ? '0' : '1');

    if (kingMoved[color] || rookMoved[rookKey]) {
      return false;

    // Check if squares between king and rook are empty
    let colStep = kingSide ? 1 : -1;
    for (let col = fromCol + colStep; col !== rookCol; col += colStep) {
      if (board[fromRow][col] !== '') {
        return false;

    // Check that the king is not in check, and does not pass through or end in check
    let tempFromCol = fromCol;
    for (let i = 0; i <= 2; i++) {
      tempFromCol += colStep;
      if (i > 0) { // We already know the king is not in check at fromCol
        // Temporarily move the king
        let originalPiece = board[fromRow][tempFromCol];
        board[fromRow][tempFromCol] = color + 'K';
        board[fromRow][fromCol] = '';

        if (isKingInCheck(color)) {
          // Undo the move
          board[fromRow][fromCol] = color + 'K';
          board[fromRow][tempFromCol] = originalPiece;
          return false;

        // Undo the move
        board[fromRow][fromCol] = color + 'K';
        board[fromRow][tempFromCol] = originalPiece;
      if (tempFromCol === toCol) break;

    return true;

  function isPathClear(fromRow, fromCol, toRow, toCol) {
    const rowStep = toRow - fromRow === 0 ? 0 : (toRow - fromRow) / Math.abs(toRow - fromRow);
    const colStep = toCol - fromCol === 0 ? 0 : (toCol - fromCol) / Math.abs(toCol - fromCol);

    let currentRow = fromRow + rowStep;
    let currentCol = fromCol + colStep;

    while (currentRow !== toRow || currentCol !== toCol) {
      if (board[currentRow][currentCol] !== "") {
        return false;
      currentRow += rowStep;
      currentCol += colStep;
    return true;

  function isSquareAttacked(row, col, byColor) {
    for (let fromRow = 0; fromRow < 8; fromRow++) {
      for (let fromCol = 0; fromCol < 8; fromCol++) {
        const piece = board[fromRow][fromCol];
        if (piece && piece[0] === byColor) {
          if (isValidMoveForAttack(piece, fromRow, fromCol, row, col)) {
            return true;
    return false;

  function isValidMoveForAttack(piece, fromRow, fromCol, toRow, toCol) {
    const pieceType = piece[1];
    const color = piece[0];
    const dir = color === 'w' ? -1 : 1; // Direction for pawns

    switch (pieceType) {
      case 'P':
        // Pawn attack move (diagonal capture)
        if (Math.abs(fromCol - toCol) === 1 && toRow - fromRow === dir) {
          return true;
      case 'R':
        // Rook move
        if (fromRow === toRow || fromCol === toCol) {
          if (isPathClear(fromRow, fromCol, toRow, toCol)) {
            return true;
      case 'N':
        // Knight move
        if ((Math.abs(fromRow - toRow) === 2 && Math.abs(fromCol - toCol) === 1) ||
            (Math.abs(fromRow - toRow) === 1 && Math.abs(fromCol - toCol) === 2)) {
          return true;
      case 'B':
        // Bishop move
        if (Math.abs(fromRow - toRow) === Math.abs(fromCol - toCol)) {
          if (isPathClear(fromRow, fromCol, toRow, toCol)) {
            return true;
      case 'Q':
        // Queen move (rook + bishop)
        if ((fromRow === toRow || fromCol === toCol ||
             Math.abs(fromRow - toRow) === Math.abs(fromCol - toCol)) &&
            isPathClear(fromRow, fromCol, toRow, toCol)) {
          return true;
      case 'K':
        // King move
        if (Math.abs(fromRow - toRow) <= 1 && Math.abs(fromCol - toCol) <= 1) {
          return true;

    return false;

  function isKingInCheck(color) {
    let kingRow, kingCol;

    // Find the king
    for (let row = 0; row < 8; row++) {
      for (let col = 0; col < 8; col++) {
        const piece = board[row][col];
        if (piece === color + 'K') {
          kingRow = row;
          kingCol = col;

    if (kingRow === undefined) {
      // King not found (should not happen in normal play)
      return true;

    const opponentColor = color === 'w' ? 'b' : 'w';

    // Check if any opponent piece can attack the king
    return isSquareAttacked(kingRow, kingCol, opponentColor);

  // New function to evaluate the board
  function evaluateBoard() {
    let score = 0;
    for (let row = 0; row < 8; row++) {
      for (let col = 0; col < 8; col++) {
        const piece = board[row][col];
        if (piece) {
          const color = piece[0];
          const pieceType = piece[1];
          const value = pieceValues[pieceType];
          if (color === aiColor) {
            score += value;
          } else {
            score -= value;
    return score;

  // Function to generate all possible moves for a given color
  function generateAllMoves(color) {
    const moves = [];
    for (let fromRow = 0; fromRow < 8; fromRow++) {
      for (let fromCol = 0; fromCol < 8; fromCol++) {
        const piece = board[fromRow][fromCol];
        if (piece && piece[0] === color) {
          for (let toRow = 0; toRow < 8; toRow++) {
            for (let toCol = 0; toCol < 8; toCol++) {
              let castling = false;
              let enPassantCapture = false;
              if (isValidMove(piece, fromRow, fromCol, toRow, toCol, castling, enPassantCapture)) {
                  piece: piece,
                  fromRow: fromRow,
                  fromCol: fromCol,
                  toRow: toRow,
                  toCol: toCol,
                  castling: castling,
                  enPassantCapture: enPassantCapture
    return moves;

  // Function to make a temporary move
  function makeTemporaryMove(move) {
    move.capturedPiece = board[move.toRow][move.toCol];
    board[move.toRow][move.toCol] = move.piece;
    board[move.fromRow][move.fromCol] = "";

    // Handle special moves if needed (e.g., en passant, castling)

  // Function to undo a temporary move
  function undoTemporaryMove(move) {
    board[move.fromRow][move.fromCol] = move.piece;
    board[move.toRow][move.toCol] = move.capturedPiece;

    // Handle special moves if needed (e.g., en passant, castling)

  // Updated AI move function with minimax algorithm
  function makeAIMove() {
    // AI depth for minimax
    const depth = 4;

    const bestMove = minimaxRoot(depth, aiColor);
    if (!bestMove) {
      document.getElementById('message').innerText = 'AI has no valid moves. Game over.';
      gameOver = true;

    // Move the piece
    const move = bestMove;
    board[move.toRow][move.toCol] = move.piece;
    board[move.fromRow][move.fromCol] = "";

    // Check for pawn promotion
    if (move.piece[1] === 'P' && (move.toRow === 0 || move.toRow === 7)) {
      // Promote pawn to queen
      board[move.toRow][move.toCol] = move.piece[0] + 'Q';


    // Switch turn back to human
    turn = turn === 'w' ? 'b' : 'w';

    // Check if the game should continue
    if (isGameOver()) {
      let message = isKingInCheck(turn) ? 'Checkmate! ' : 'Stalemate! ';
      message += turn === aiColor ? 'You win!' : 'You lost!';
      document.getElementById('message').innerText = message;
      gameOver = true;
    } else {
      if (turn === aiColor) {
        setTimeout(makeAIMove, 500); // Continue AI moves if applicable

  function minimaxRoot(depth, color) {
    const moves = generateAllMoves(color);
    let bestMove = null;
    let bestValue = -Infinity;

    for (let move of moves) {
      let value = minimax(depth - 1, false, -Infinity, Infinity);
      if (value > bestValue) {
        bestValue = value;
        bestMove = move;
    return bestMove;

  function minimax(depth, isMaximizingPlayer, alpha, beta) {
    if (depth === 0 || isGameOver()) {
      return evaluateBoard();

    const color = isMaximizingPlayer ? aiColor : opponentColor;
    const moves = generateAllMoves(color);

    if (isMaximizingPlayer) {
      let maxEval = -Infinity;
      for (let move of moves) {
        let eval = minimax(depth - 1, false, alpha, beta);
        maxEval = Math.max(maxEval, eval);
        alpha = Math.max(alpha, eval);
        if (beta <= alpha) {
      return maxEval;
    } else {
      let minEval = Infinity;
      for (let move of moves) {
        let eval = minimax(depth - 1, true, alpha, beta);
        minEval = Math.min(minEval, eval);
        beta = Math.min(beta, eval);
        if (beta <= alpha) {
      return minEval;

  // Function to check if the game is over (checkmate or stalemate)
  function isGameOver() {
    // Check if current player has any valid moves
    const moves = generateAllMoves(turn);
    if (moves.length > 0) {
      return false;
    return true; // No valid moves, game is over

  // If AI is black and it's black's turn, make AI's move
  if (turn === aiColor) {
    setTimeout(makeAIMove, 500);

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