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Adding Custom Query Loop as Shortcode Post Types Taxonomies and more

Sometimes some themes and some builders makes the building custom query loops harder. For that reason I wrote this simple code and added t other themes functions.php

This is a very simple example it is possible make this much much more advance. Check the WP docs examples -> WP_Query | Class | WordPress Developer Resources

add this code to the theme functions.php

and usage shortcode -> [get_last_posts]

*	Registering Shortcode for Post Types
*   Usage:   [get_last_posts]
*	Custom Shortcode with Custom Query Loop for Custom post Types and Taxonomies and Stuff
function get_the_last_posts( ) {
     $qquery = new WP_Query(array(
          'post_type' => 'post',
          'posts_per_page' => 5
     while ($qquery->have_posts()){

               <?php echo get_the_title(); ?>	
               <?php echo get_the_content(); ?>	
               <?php  echo get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), 'name' , true ); ?>

add_shortcode( 'get_last_posts', 'get_the_last_posts');

this example only shows latest 5 post and title and content and example customfield value.


recommended plugin Dynamic Shortcode Widget for Elementor – WordPress plugin |

another similar useful plugin Custom Content Shortcode – WordPress plugin |

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