Why Bricks Builder is Fundamentally More Optimized? Bricks Builder vs Elementor

Most people don’t know Bricks Builder is a theme, not a plugin.

Unlike popular builders like Elementor, Beaver Builder, Divi, and GeneratePress, Bricks Builder operates on a different principle.

Bricks Builder: A Theme, Not Just a Plugin

First off, Bricks Builder is a theme, not a plugin. This distinction is crucial.

Bricks Builder integrates its site-building capabilities directly into the theme itself. Because it supports template hierarchy without middle hooks or filters it is lightning-fast and request-optimized.

This means you’re working within a unified environment, designed from the ground up to be cohesive and seamless.

The Power of Vue.js

Another key aspect that sets Bricks Builder apart is its use of Vue.js, a progressive JavaScript framework known for its efficiency and speed.

Because Bricks Builder is a theme, there is less abstraction between WordPress and the builder. Plus because of VueJS builder opening crazy fast and saving HTML crazy fast. It is hard to explain everyone must experience how fast it is really. you can try the bricks builder without buying. Here https://try.bricksbuilder.io/.

Thomas Ehrig Interview

Just recently Thomas made an interview for Bricks Builder and its future. Must watch don’t miss it.

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